RealtyX SPDD Tokens (RST)

Upon acquiring fractionalized property rights through the RealtyX Interface, users are issued ERC-20 tokens known as RealtyX SPDD Tokens (RST), distinguished by two key features:

1. Governance: RST tokens empower holders with voting capabilities, allowing them to actively engage in decisions that shape the SPDD's future development. As RealtyX DAO's proposal vehicle becomes finalized in the future, RST holders will have the opportunity to submit proposals, contributing to discussions and decisions, including but not limited to return distribution.

2. Proof of Property Rights: Functioning as tangible evidence of participation, RST tokens facilitate the sharing of property. Holders can further leverage their RST tokens by exchanging them within the platform's on-chain secondary market.

Anticipate future enhancements that will introduce advanced mechanisms, elevating the user experience and enhancing overall functionality.

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