Participation Process


In our governance framework, a proposal is a formal suggestion submitted for consideration and voting by the community. Each proposal aims to enhance or improve the RealtyX ecosystem and is identified by the format RealtyX Development Proposal (RDP) followed by a unique number, such as RDP-1. Proposals cover a wide range of topics, including development initiatives, policy changes, and resource allocation, and serve as a crucial mechanism for decentralized decision-making within the RealtyX community.

What do I need in order to vote?

In order to vote, you need to have RST tokens. As our ecosystem governance token (RX) is still under development, we will utilize our RWA token (RST) to facilitate the voting mechanism.

How do I vote?

  • Go to the "RealtyX DAO Space" in Snapshot and select the relevant proposal.

  • Read through the proposal and ensure you have a full understanding of what is being proposed.

  • If you have questions, go to our Discord governance channel to initiate a discussion.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to cast your vote using RST.

For your vote to be valid, your balance of voting tokens must be the same or greater throughout the entire proposal voting and validating period.

Can I change my vote?

Yes, you can change your vote before the voting period ends. When you submit a new vote, your previous vote will be automatically canceled.

Can I move my RST while the vote is in progress?

Yes, you can move your RST tokens while the vote is in progress, provided that the amount in the wallet you used to vote remains equal to or higher than the tokens used for voting. If the token amount falls below the amount used for voting, your vote will be canceled.

Can I add more tokens to my vote?

Yes, you can add more tokens to your vote. When you vote again, the new amount of tokens will be reflected.

What is the voting threshold?

As our RST token is still being sold, determining a quorum is challenging. We will closely monitor the latest status of token sales. If the number of votes is significantly lower compared to the circulating RST tokens, we may extend the voting period or, in extreme cases, hold a revote. Our general guideline is that 50% of the circulating RST tokens should be involved in proposal voting to ensure fair and representative decision-making.

Last updated